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PETA talk canceled for being offensive to humans who face racism: How is that ‘intersectionality’ working out for the animals?

Newkirk planned to show a video in which transforms... a black man into an Asian woman and eventually into a bear and a chicken.

CHRIS WHITE:Google canceled a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals event at the company’s California campus after employees complained the animal rights group compares animal abuse to racism… Google employees invited Ingrid Newkirk, co-founder and president of PETA, to discuss her view that animals and humans are subject to similar levels of prejudice. Other employees claimed the topic was offensive to humans who face racism. The event was canceled after the employees protested…

Newkirk planned to show a video in which a member of the Wu-Tang Clan transforms from a black man into an Asian woman and eventually into a bear and a chicken. “It doesn’t matter if we have fur or feathers or fins, the length of our nose or the number of legs,” hip hop artist RZA says in the video. “We’re not different in any important way”… The incident struck Newkirk by surprise. “It’s the most anti-racist talk you’ll ever hear,” she said’. SOURCE…


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